Did you know, over 57% of consumers prefer purchasing from brands with a strong personality on social media? So why not prioritize yours?

You don't do it like everyone else. It's time to start acting like it.

I don’t believe in a one-strategy-fits-all method when it comes to your brand online. Because it’s not about the most followers, going viral, or posting content to check a box. This is about giving value, connecting with your clients/customers, and driving more sales in your business.

that's where I come in..

My job is to make your social media do the work so you can do more of what you love.

What I'm bringing to the social media party:

  • A cohesive feed that makes them want to binge your content
  • An engaged community so you can create more connections
  • And custom strategies because your business is unique

Social Media Management

When your top post on Instagram has 20 likes, you need more than a brand refresh, you need a new social media strategy.

I’m not just here to make your feed look killer, I’m here to create content that’ll bring more eyes to it.
Here's what I manage:
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Reels + Stories
  • TikTok
  • LinkedIn

Every proposal I create is completely custom to what you need and nothing that you don't. I start with strategy and implement with content. Investment starts at $1,125.
inquire →


You're ready to take your social media marketing seriously without adding more to your To-Do List.

Email Marketing

Content marketing with the highest form of ROI? It's a no-brainer.


You want to leverage your email database and connect on a more *intimate* level.

You put a lot of effort into your emails, so let's make sure they actually get opened by readers who look forward to opening them. I will help you strategize and create opt-ins, sequences, and newsletters so they make sense for your brand and most importantly, convert.
What I manage:
  • Copywriting in your brand voice
  • Opt-in suggestions
  • Email sequence automations
  • Email newsletters

Investment starts at $625.
inquire →

Ready to get started?


Inquire to get on my schedule for a discovery call and I’ll meet you on Zoom so we can see if we’ll be a good fit. I’ll ask you about your brand, what goals you have for your content, and you can ask me any questions about my process. It’ll be quick, painless, and no strings ever attached!


After we chat, I’ll send over a custom proposal to fit your needs. If all sounds good to you, you’ll approve the proposal and secure your spot on my roster! Then, I’ll begin building out your content strategy, you’ll pay your first invoice, and plan your strategy presentation meeting.


Once your strategy has been approved, I’ll create your first two weeks of content, you’ll have 4-5 days to review, and then all content will go live- about a 4 week process upon proposal acceptance.

Let's get you an online presence you can finally feel proud of.




I can't wait to help you level up your digital marketing. Reach out today!