Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed by your social media marketing                                 

for good.

Full service social media management and email marketing done by an entrepreneur who *gets* the "I don't know what to post, but I need to post something" struggle.


No more posting content and praying to the algorithm Gods.

I’m here to make social media simple and effective.

You’re not interested in posting just for likes and chasing virality is totally not your vibe. You’ve got clients to serve, a business to run, and a family to take care of. 

You want a social media presence that’s effective.

Content that shows off what you stand for in your business.
Posts that connect with the right people on a meaningful level.
And a better, elevated brand which drives more revenue.



My social media management packages might as well be called "Headache Relievers", because that’s exactly what I’m aiming to do. I’ll get to know your brand, develop a custom strategy, and improve/optimize your results as we go so you can take content creation off your plate.

Can you say “This was the best investment EVER"?
Because I sure can!

hey there,

digital marketer & content strategist

On a mission to help you achieve yours by doing less.

Because at Fifth Avenue, I believe work should come second to life and not the other way around. So, if the thought of taking content creation off your plate makes you want to stand up and shout “hell yeah!”.. I’m so glad you’re here.

I treat your brand the way it should be treated: like the unique, one-of-a-kind thing it is. No cookie-cutter strategies. No bullshit.


Ready to get started?


Inquire to get on my schedule for a discovery call and I’ll meet you on Zoom so we can see if we’ll be a good fit. I’ll ask you about your brand, what goals you have for your content, and you can ask me any questions about my process. It’ll be quick, painless, and no strings ever attached!


After we chat, I’ll send over a custom proposal to fit your needs. If all sounds good to you, you’ll approve the proposal and secure your spot on my roster! Then, I’ll begin building out your content strategy, you’ll pay your first invoice, and plan your strategy presentation meeting.


Once your strategy has been approved, I’ll create your first two weeks of content, you’ll have 4-5 days to review, and then all content will go live- about a 4 week process upon proposal acceptance.

Let's get you an online presence you can finally feel proud of.


treat yourself!

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